Reading This Will Make You Want To Floss

Yesevery time you brush and floss, you’re doing more than just brightening your mood and keeping your smile. Research suggests that you may improve your overall health—and possibly even prolong your life.

People often think of dentistry as a specialty, says Anita Aminoshariae, professor of endodontics at Case Western Reserve University’s School of Dental Medicine. But he says: “The mouth does not come from other parts of the body. Quite the opposite: studies suggest that oral health is linked to everything from heart health to longevity, even though most people don’t. be careful.

Oral health extends beyond the mouth

Researchers call this phenomenon the “oral-systemic link,” and it has been showing up in studies for years. Some of the first studies on this topic were about the relationship between oral health and diabetes, and now it has been proven that the blood sugar levels of patients with diabetes are get better when their gum disease is treated – and that their gum disease can get worse. diabetes does.

Oral health also appears to be related to other measures of heart health, including patients’ likelihood of having a heart attack or dying. In a recent research study, Aminoshariae and his co-authors found that people with good oral health—those with 10 or fewer teeth left in their mouths—were more likely to 66% more likely to die of heart disease than people with a strong smile. . And another recent study, written by Yau-Hua Yu, assistant professor of periodontology at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, found that people who describe their oral health as fair or poor are at risk it is great to die and they can come again. increased risk of cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and diabetes.

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As with most research on the oral-systemic link, these studies cannot prove cause and effect. It’s possible that the relationship actually works the other way around: that people with good health can have good dental health, Yu says. Other factors, such as socioeconomic status and access to nutritious food, may also play a role, he says.

But Aminoshariae believes that oral health directly affects health. He thinks of teeth as sand dunes. Just as dunes protect inland areas from the sea, Aminoshariae believe that teeth protect the body from foreign substances that can cause disease. He says: “When they’re gone, it’s like everyone else is free.

Microbiome, the name for the groups of bacteria, viruses and other microbes that travel through the human body, is another possible explanation, Yu says. When you don’t brush your teeth properly, you allow food and other debris to remain between your teeth, the bacteria in your mouth can change, and that can lead to gingivitis and gum disease over time. he explains.

When gum health is poor, the consequences can be far-reaching. The blood vessels in the gums are “leaky,” explains Yvonne Kapila, professor and assistant research associate at the University of California, Los Angeles School of Dentistry. When a person’s gums are inflamed or diseased, “this leakage allows bacteria, viruses and all these other things in the world to enter your body” and potentially spread throughout the bloodstream, of explain.

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In some cases, bits of bacteria or other organisms can travel from the gums into the bloodstream and cause disease or inflammation in other organs, Kapila says. Bacterial material from the mouth has been found in cancer tumors, heart and liver valves, and brain cells of people who have died from Alzheimer’s disease, to name a few notable examples. And, Kapila says, animal studies by his team and others suggest that altering the oral microbiome, such as treating gum disease, could help reverse some of those issues. showing a true cause and effect relationship between oral and general health.

How to take care of your oral health

The good news is, most people already know what to do to keep their mouths healthy: eat a healthy diet, brush every morning and night, and floss regularly. . Yu’s research suggests that poor oral hygiene is associated with a higher risk of death, while other studies show that good flossing habits reduce the risk of gum disease. Walking for at least two minutes, twice a day, also reduces the risk of heart disease, according to some research.

Just like you bathe every day, you should brush your teeth every day and clean your cavities. [in between] every day,” says Yu. “That’s the basics.”

Finally, keep up with twice-yearly dental appointments so that the professional can assess the health of the teeth and gums and intervene, if necessary, before the condition worsens. “Prevention, prevention, prevention is very important,” Kapila says.

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