A recent review of Japan’s policy states the increasing threats it faces

A new review of Japan’s policy names China, North Korea and Russia as threats to Japanese security.

That is not a revelation. But it is a change from years past when the Japanese government was more cautious about publicly identifying potential enemies. In fact, the title of 2024 “Defense of Japan” the report may be to prepare the Japanese public for increased use of defense and the possibility of war.

“The biggest change is the definition of the regional security environment,” Nicholas Szechenyi, a Japan expert at the Institute for Strategic and International Studies, told Business Insider. “Instead of vague references to ‘forced changes to the status quo,’ the white paper now clearly refers to the coercion of the Chinese people and the threat of North Korea. for a larger project of the use of protection money.”

This review is part of a review of Japan’s needs in the face of increasing threats from its armed neighbors, especially China. Japan maintains its military only for self-defense and has avoided any armed conflict since its defeat in World War II.

The 2024 document – a summary of which has been released – includes more details about China’s threat to Japan, including joint Chinese-Russian exercises. The newspaper said that China “conducted joint bomber and naval operations with Russia in the vicinity of Japan.” “These repeated joint operations are intended to show force against Japan and are of great concern from the point of view of Japan’s national security.”

The Ministry of Defense is also challenging the legitimacy of Chinese operations in the South China Sea, which China claims is its territorial waters despite an international court ruling to the contrary. “China has intensified its operations in the South China Sea based on declarations, contradicting existing maritime orders, and encouraging the establishment of military bases,” the official paper said. “Such acts of continuing to promote unilateral change of the status quo by force and turning it into a fait accompli are serious concerns for Japan.”

The paper also highlighted North Korea’s nuclear and ballistic missile capabilities, including ICBMs, nuclear-tipped missiles and hypersonic weapons. “North Korea’s focus on developing its nuclear and missile capabilities, such as diversifying its missile systems and acquiring intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) means that it complements its t nuclear and missile activity,” the paper said.

The 2024 document reiterated the Japanese government’s commitment to the 2022 Defense Construction Plan, a five-year effort that includes the development of anti-ship missiles to repel Chinese aggression on disputed islands. of Japan. The 43 billion yen (US$287 billion) project also calls for the development of hypersonic missiles, as well as drones such as hovercraft.

In addition to external threats and new equipment, the paper highlighted a pressing need for the Japanese Defense Forces: more people. Although militaries in many developed countries are struggling to recruit, this is especially bad in Japan, where. a very low birth rate and immigration restrictions have resulted in a population where nearly 30% are over 65. Also military service is not considered attractive in an economy with an unemployment rate of 2.5% only.

Although the paper promised that the JSDF would improve wages and working conditions, experts are not convinced that this will solve the problem.

“There are other things that the MOD needs to do, such as expanding the role of the military which can be done by adjusting the recruitment system and better integrating it with the active role,” Ryo Hinata-Yamaguchi, deputy a contributor to the Honolulu-based think tank Pacific Forum, told Business Insider. “The problem is that such changes will require the amendment of laws and provisions that differ from the public sector.”

Michael Peck is a defense writer whose work has appeared in Forbes, Defense News, Foreign Policy magazine, and other publications. He holds an MA in political science from Rutgers Univ. Follow him Twitter and LinkedIn.

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