Comments | How Hong Kong can help debunk the narrative that China is turning inwards

Meanwhile, the British Royal Institute of International Affairs – better known as Chatham House – has warned that “the continuing decline private sector The ‘mojo’ of the past few years is worth remembering as the cause of China’s current economic downturn”.
Coincidentally or not, at the same time, the Peterson Center for International Economics published an article questioning whether manufacturing can still deliver inclusive growth. And the Council on Foreign Relations, based in New York, continues to press the narrative of China’s meddling in trade. cold war and the United States.

The streak of indifference from foreign academics and commentators is not surprising given the increasingly strained relationship between China and the West. Ten years after China began to consolidate its broader national security vision, any mention of “national security” is still seen as provoking hostility and a threat.


China’s Communist Party concludes policy summit amid growing uncertainty

China’s Communist Party concludes policy summit amid growing uncertainty

Yet has China abandoned its commitment to international cooperation and recent Track 2 negotiations? During the third high-level plenum, for example, Beijing also hosted the Boao Forum for Asia’s Global Health Forum.

However, this low-key event was attended by about 1,000 delegates from 41 countries and territories. Speakers included the chairman of the Boao Forum and former UN secretary general Ban Ki-moonhealth conference chair Margaret Chan Fung Fu-chunthe former director-general of the World Health Organization, as well as the minister of health, labor and welfare of Japan Keizo Takemi.
Despite the third plenum, Beijing party secretary Yin Li he took the time to go to a health meeting. In particular, Hong Kong chief executive Carrie Lam-Cheng-Yuet Ngor highlighted the contribution the city has made and can make to improving global health.

It is important to point out that Hong Kong is involved in China’s Track 2 negotiations and its efforts can help change the argument that China is moving away from the international community. In this regard, it would be wise for Hong Kong to pay special attention to the UN’s sustainable development goals (SDGs), health or otherwise, as such efforts can lay the groundwork for dialogue. of Track 2.

Earlier this year, in my field trip to Tokyo, Kyoto, Tokushima and Kobe organized by the Japan Foundation, almost all Japanese government departments, universities and companies discussed the process. related to the SDG, including recycling, performance evaluation. waste-free facilities and harsh air temperature.

If Hong Kong wants to engage in deeper dialogue and cooperation with countries like Japan, the SDGs could be a common approach.

A pedestrian walks past wind turbines in Tokyo, Japan, on July 20. Global warming requires international cooperation to find a solution. Photo: Bloomberg
In addition, the health industry has become a new center of economic growth after the Covid-19 epidemic, as many people are watching the latest developments in this sector. Advances in areas such as biomanufacturing and telemedicine could easily qualify as some of the “new power of value creation” it is highlighted in China’s third list and can help boost China’s technology manufacturing industry.
Given Hong Kong’s plans to become an international innovation hub, it makes sense for the city to develop its own health industry. This can also help address common health problems and challenges at home and abroad, such as speed of response to public health emergencies, the aging of the population and the balance between privacy and health technology development.
If Hong Kong can create an internationally competitive health industry, it can also take it down an era of structural shortages and helping the city to revitalize the country’s economy.


John Lee’s fight to save Hong Kong’s future | Talking Post with Yonden Lhatoo

John Lee’s fight to save Hong Kong’s future | Talking Post with Yonden Lhatoo

Many Hong Kongers involved in public health would support the city’s efforts to make a strong contribution to global health. But we also need stronger participation in all sectors of society.

By strengthening Hong Kong’s unique cultural integration of East-meets-West and as the only common rule of law in China, we can use our expertise in international cooperation and global standards to find a way different for China and the West than is often mentioned. The Trap of Thucydides.
It is surprising that it does not matter in Hong Kong world universities and research, we did not pay attention to the health dialogue – a well-known element of cooperation in the global health agenda. We will have to catch up quickly to participate in global health cooperation and dialogue, learning as we participate.
Although political pressures remain tight. Hong Kong’s opportunity to developing biotechnology yes, fortunately, it is widely known.

It is time for Hong Kong to raise its stake in promoting public health cooperation between China and the world, and show that the true lovers are those who dare to fulfill the promise of China and to respond to its critics with affirmative action.

Li Charles Kwun Yu is a PhD candidate at the School of International Studies of Peking University

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